INnovative and Sustainable Stabilization Processes Involving REcycleD SOils and Used materiaLS 

INnovative and Sustainable Stabilization Processes Involving REcycleD SOils and Used materiaLS (INSSPIRED SOULS) is a research project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) within the framework of the call for proposals for "Relevant Research Projects of National Interest" (in Italian: Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale).

This project was freely proposed by a consortium of three research units from the Polytechnic University of the Marche (UNIVPM), University of Palermo (UNIPA) and Polytechnic of Turin (POLITO) in March 2022 and approved by the MUR in June 2023.

INSSPIRED SOULS is focused on studying the feasibility of innovative soil stabilization techniques, aiming to reduce the environmental impact and increase sustainability level, following the circular economy framework. 

The project is developed in the context of ERC field PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering (subfields: PE8_3 Civil engineering, architecture, offshore construction, lightweight construction, geotechnics; PE8_11 Environmental engineering, e.g. sustainable design, waste and water treatment, recycling, regeneration or recovery of compounds, carbon capture & storage; PE10_17 Hydrology, hydrogeology, engineering and environmental geology, water and soil pollution).

According to the project rules, INNSPIRED SOULS officially started on 28th September 2023 and is scheduled to run for 24 months.