Restructura (Turin, Italy)
Webmaster: 03/12/2024
The project's research was presented as part of “Materials Recycling in Civil and Environmental Engineering” seminar, held during “Restructura” (21 - 23 November, 2024, Turin), Italy's leading trade show for industry professionals on building upgrading, rehabilitation and renovation.
Prof. R.M. Cosentini gave a presentation titled “Innovative and Sustainable Soil Stabilization Processes,” in which the main results obtained by the individual units were presented, emphasising the contribution of the research to the ecological transition and circular economy, keywords of the manifesto of the “Restructura 2024” exhibition.
ECSMGE24 (Lisbon, Portugal)
Webmaster: 13/09/2024
The dissemination activities for the INSSPIRED SOULS project are still ongoing! Recently, Prof. Di Sante gave a very engaging presentation at the WS1 Workshop on "Sustainable practices in Environmental Geotecnics" organised by TC215 as part of the European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE), where she shared the latest results obtained by the RU1-UNIVPM. These continuous efforts to share the project's progress have sparked significant interest and demonstrated the cutting-edge innovations of the team project.
EGRWSE2024 (Warsaw, Poland)
Webmaster: 29/07/2024
Three conference papers were given at the 5th International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials, and Sustainable Engineering (EGRWSE-2024), held in Warsaw on 4-6 July 2024. Marta Di Sante, Marco Rosone and Renato M. Cosentini presented the first results of the ground-breaking project on behalf of their co-authors. Team members Francesco Moscato and Mattia Del Cane were also present in Warsaw, contributing to a successful representation of INSSPIRED SOULS project.
IAGIG 2024 (Turin, Italy)
Webmaster: 29/07/2024
Francesco Moscato (Phd student beloging to RU2) presented his findings at the 13th Annual Meeting of Young Geotechnical Engineers (in Italian XIII Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotenici, IAGIG), held in Turin on 7-8 June 2024.
Webmaster: 20/10/2023
Members of the project teams met during an online meeting to officially start the project activities. The next project team meetings are scheduled to take place in person/online on a monthly basis.
Webmaster: 06/07/2023
The coordinators of the local research units announced INSSPIRED SOULS funding at the National Conference of Italian Geotechnical Researchers (CNRIG'23) held in Palermo (Italy, 5-7 July 2023).
Webmaster: 30/05/2023
With Directorial Decree no. 742 of 30th May 2023, the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) approved the final list of project proposals for the PE Physical Sciences and Engineering macro-sector PE8 - Products and Processes Engineering for the PRIN 2022 Call for Proposals (DDG Directorial Decree no. 104 of 2 February 2022). INSSPIRED SOULS resulted among the funded projects with a score of 92/100!