
Considering the peculiarities of the project, three Research Units (RUs) actively contribute with their expertise and equipment to the activities of all the WPs given the high degree of complementarity of their skills. However, each RU acts as a leader for a specific WP, maximizing the collaboration, the exchange of experience and the sharing of knowledge. Moreover, the PI and the associated investigators are young (PI and Vice-PI meet the under 40 requirements of the PRIN2022 call) and very qualified. Additionally, each RU considered opening research grants funded by the project, creating an extremely dynamic team, very motivated to achieve the project aims. 


The RU1 at Polytechnic University of the Marche (UNIVPM, Ancona - Italy) is the coordinating unit of the project and provides the Principal Investigator of the project Prof. Marta Di Sante, as well as the WP Leader for the Work Packages on the Characterization of components and reference mixtures (WP1) and the Dissimeniation of results (WP4).

RU1-UNIVPM team is part of the Environmental Geotechnics research group of SIMAU Department. The team is composed by Dr. Marta Di Sante (PI and local coordinator), Prof. Evelina Fratalocchi, Prof. Francesco Mazzieri, Eng. Ivo Bellezza and Dr. Muhammad Khizar Khan (research fellow specifically recruited for the project).


The University of Palermo (UNIPA, Palermo - Italy) contributes to the project organisation activities by providing the Vice-Principal Investigator Dr. Marco Rosone (deputy of Prof. D. Lo Presti in the initial phase of the project) and by leading the WP2 activities on the Mix design with innovative binders and its optimization

The RU2-UNIPA team is essentially embedded in the Department of Engineering at UNIPA. It is composed of Dr. Marco Rosone (Vice PI and local coordinator), Prof. Alessio Ferrari, Prof. Davide Lo Presti, Prof. Maurizio Ziccarelli, Francesco Moscato (PhD Student) and Rosario Indelicato (research fellow specifically recruited and funded by the project).


The Polytechnic of Turin (POLITO, Torino - Italy) is involved in all work packages and, in particular, coordinates the activities on the Implementation of innovative mixtures quality standards for engineering applications (WP3).

The RU3-POLITO team is composed of Prof. Renato Maria Cosentini (local coordinator), Prof. Guido Musso and will be supported by a PhD student specifically recruited for the project.